Wow! How old is this page??Yep, this page is very, very outdated. Everything below this paragraph (and above and beside it) was last updated in April 2015. So, much has changed. Here's the short version . . . My kids are older. My oldest will be off to college soon and my middle child will be driving soon. My youngest is no longer a little kid. And I've changed jobs a couple times. Now I'm a Consulting Engineer at a company that makes one of the world's leading database systems. What else? Well, I recently got back to riding motorcycles and I love it. Ask me about it. Please! Please ask me about motorcycles! Seriously! Or Star Wars. Or early alternative music from the 1980s. What?This is the simplest possible presentation of all the essential information the public demands about me. This is not intended to show off any sort of web design skills. I'm mainly a developer (i.e. server-side code and database stuff) and usability guy anyway. For really beautiful page layouts, you'll have to look elsewhere. Meanwhile, feel free to enjoy the elegant simplicity of this site and my attorney profile site. Who?You might know me as "James Barger" or "Jamie Barger." You might have met me at Temple University Beasley School of Law, or at the University of Florida, or at Nease High School. Or, maybe we worked together at Landstar System, America Online (AOL), the Federal Reserve, TPI, a small newspaper, or the law firm of Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, or at technology services company Rural Sourcing, Inc. (RSI). Then again, you might have run into me somewhere in my former neighborhood of Chestnut Hill or my current home town of Pensacola, Florida. Where?I live in Pensacola, Florida, where I have three hilarious and delightful kids (9-year-old son, 7-year-old daughter, and 1-year-old baby girl). Before Pensacola, we lived in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which we all considered a nearly perfect place to live and were not eager to leave. Why Pensacola?
What's Happening Now?Now I'm doing web application development work as a Senior Programmer Analyst at RSI in Mobile, Alabama. Latest Project: Open access to FDA "adverse events" data (DrugReport.NET)I've created the first and only website to provide the public with complete, easily searchable access to the all FDA "adverse events" data, as collected in the FDA's FAERS repository. I am calling the website "The Drug Report" (DrugReport.NET). (Not to be confused with The Drudge Report, which I don't even read, in spite of its enormous popularity.)
Until then, you can page through all the data, grouped by quarterly reporting periods, and can click on individual reports to see all the details, exactly as reported to the FDA. You can do very rudimentary searches by drug name and/or by injury, for any quarterly reporting period. You can use partial terms to get the broadest results (e.g. "vioxx" and "myocardial" in the first quarter of 2006). If you have suggestions for improvements, or special requests for statistical analysis you'd like to see, please contact me. And, visit the site once in a while to see how it's coming along. More About Me
Favorites: personal
Favorites: technology
Favorites: the law
The Law School Years
Happy Birthday, Mom!
Of course Peggy Barger is my mother, and that story is a little hard to believe. Plus, my mom doesn't look like she's a teenager in that photo. Hmmm... I suspect some tomfoolery here. (Happy birthday, Mom.)
![]() James (Jamie) Barger ![]() ![]() Admire my Fantasy Football championship trophy shelf. ![]() Follow me on facebook, if you are in my list of family and friends. ![]() Find me on LinkedIn, if you want to add a connection. ![]() Follow me on twitter, if you have time for that kind of thing. ![]() Tune into my YouTube Channel, but don't expect too much. ![]() See all sorts of arbitrary stuff I've posted on Google Plus. ![]() The library at my law school, Temple University's James E. Beasley School of Law, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ![]() My undergrad alma mater, the University of Florida. Bachelor of Science in Journalism with an Outside Concentration in Visual Arts. ![]() My first computer, the TI-99/4A (circa 1981-82). Saved TI-BASIC programs on cassette tapes. ![]() Just in case something horrific happens while you're reading this page. |
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